Entries by OBXT_Admin01

OBX’s Dream 18: Holes 4-7

OBX’s Dream 18: Holes 4-7 Nags Head Golf Links, Nags Head The land the Bob Moore designed classic now flows across was once nothing more than dunes and ponds owned by a single family. Since its 1980s transformation into a near Scottish links replica, four holes still play hard along the Roanoke Sound – something […]

OBX’s Dream 18: Holes 1-3

The Great 18 – A full-course menu of OBX’s most daring and delightful golf holes … Bank on It. By Bill Kamenjar The adrenaline rush kicked in somewhere along the road between the coin dispenser and Coinjock. If it wasn’t for the barbeque sandwich, fries, Southern sweet tea and $1.79 oversized sugar cookie consumed at […]

Falling for OBX Golf

They say that summer passes like a morning breeze. But along the North Carolina Coast, that merely means you will soon be … “Ooh, that was a really big wave, did you see it?” the mom exclaimed to her young son. But with his eyes pointed downwards while digging into the sand in search of […]

5 Reasons to Visit the OBX This Summer

Sticking with Summer The traditional summer vacation is a time for families to reconnect at a spot other than the backyard patio or neighborhood pool. This year, in particular, the need to get outside and into safe, fresh, open-aired spaces will be paramount. The best foreign, away-from-home environment to do that just may be where […]


2021 Golf Hot List along the Outer Banks

Golf is played with passion in North Carolina. So when the most authoritative statewide source of golf course rankings comes along and selects a trio of yours among its bests, golfers should take note. This year, as in several ones past, the Outer Banks has proven itself once again to be a supplier of some […]

Golf Trip Itinerary: The Par Saver

Three Days and Two Nights on the Outer Banks The region known as the Outer Banks is home to the morning drive. You wake up early, eat a hearty meal at one of the multitude of breakfast nooks around town, hop into your car and head to the first tee. But this is not where […]

Golf Trip Itinerary: The Birdie Chaser

Part Two of our itinerary series features the “Birdie Chaser” itinerary, tailored to the needs of the more adventure-seeking players.  The Birdie Chaser A stay on the island featuring three rounds of golf all along the beach. If your group prefers to be closer to the shore, you can choose from a vast array of […]

Golf Trip Itinerary: Tour of the Shore

Part Three of our itinerary series features the “Tour of the Shore” itinerary, which has been crafted for the really serious players looking to take a really deep dive into the Outer Banks golf experience. Eclectic accommodations can be found all along the OBX, ranging from Sanderling Resort and in Duck, the always-favorite, four-bedroom Kilmarlic […]

Course Review: Nags Head Golf Links

So you are playing (in your head) the state’s “Dream 18” as decreed by North Carolina Tourism a few years ago. You have already teed off in the Sandhills on the treacherous fifth hole at famed Pinehurst No. 2, dragged your clubs through the shadows of majestic mountains to the eighth green at High Hampton […]

Course Review: Kilmarlic Golf Club

Of all the prime real estate golf courses located on or near the Outer Banks, Kilmarlic offers the most distinct in terms of inland feel. Of course, as they like to say in these parts, you can play a round on this challenging design and have your “toes in the ocean in ten minutes.” Despite […]