Things to See and Do


duckncDuck, North Carolina…

Paradise Found

This beautiful, slow-paced coastal village is a designated bird sanctuary, and is nationally recognized as one of the “Top 15 Family-friendly Beaches in America”. Duck Town Park attractions include a soundside boardwalk, amphitheater and 7-mile multi-use path for walking, bicycling and in-line skating. Annual events include the Summer Music Series and Fall Jazz Festival.


obxhorsesCorolla, North Carolina…

Where Vacationing Is Easy & Life Is Civilized

Corolla (say it like a local, Cor-RAH-lah) is a world of contemporary luxuries featuring expansive Atlantic beaches, upscale shopping and dining complexes. Corolla’s beaches are clean and vast, and attractions include kayak tours, jet ski rentals, surfing lessons, fishing charters, walking tours, wild horse-finding trips, go-carts, movies and tennis. A visit to the Currituck Beach Lighthouse is a must.


outbackadventuresCorolla Outback Adventures…

What’s Old is New Again

Corolla’s oldest and most respected off-road adventure company is now open year-round. Experience the 20+ mile self-drive, guided safari tour through the Wild Horse Sanctuary and along the ever-changing shoreline. Featured in Jack Hanna’s “Animal Adventures” and Gourmet Magazine, opportunities for incredible photos, beachcombing and shell collecting abound. (252) 453-4484 •


turtleNC Aquarium on Roanoke Island…

Explore The Waters Of The Outer Banks

This 68,000-square foot aquarium has something for everyone, featuring sharks, alligators and river otters as well as programming that includes dive shows, live animal encounters, feeding programs and unforgettable events. Be sure to include a visit to the aquarium for a fun, exciting, and educational experience. 832-3474 •


jockeysridgeJockey’s Ridge State Park

Always Changing, Always Beautiful

Jockey’s Ridge is the tallest natural sand dune system in the Eastern United States, making it one of the most significant landmarks on the Outer Banks. Programs includes Seine The Sound, the Crabby Clinic and Birding on the Sound, with the most popular program, Sunset On The Ridge, held nearly every evening during summer months. Explore walking trails that travel over the dunes and focus on the harsh, yet fragile sand dune environment and the plants and animals that call it home. (252) 441-7132 •


dolphin1Nags Head Dolphin Watch

Atlantic Bottlenose Dolphins

Explore the diverse and fascinating wildlife on a 40-foot fast pontoon boat and learn about their feeding and social behavior. Nags Head Dolphin Watch is the only dolphin watch on the Outer Banks owned and operated by dolphin researchers with 16 years of field experience. Tours fund continuing research projects. (252) 449-8999 •


KHKKitty Hawk Kites

Teaching The World To Fly

Since 1974 Learn to hang glide, parasail and kiteboard with Kitty Hawk Kites. Take a kayak, dolphin, air or segway tour. Jet ski, take a sailing cruise, go surfing, wake or paddle boarding, tubing and water skiing. Enjoy an adventure full of fun and flight in the Outer Banks. (877) 359-8447 •


Wright-BrothersWright Brothers National Memorial

They Taught Us To Fly

Take in a part of great American history at the site of the world’s first controlled powered flight on December 17, 1903. The grounds include historical markers of each attempted powered flight, replica camp buildings and a 60-foot granite monument honoring the Wright Brothers on top of Big Kill Devil Hill (a 90-foot dune). (252) 441-7430 •

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